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2021-12-31 04:07

    Traditionally, language plays a very important role in the life of people and in interpersonal relations. At the same time, language is not a mere means of communication.

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    Principles of Accounting 的introduction ACCOUNTING INFORMATION You likely ... 30 years. The era of the "green eye-shaded" accountant has been relegated to the

    [4] 《管理会计》第三版(《management accounting》,third edition),Anthony A. Atkinson, Rajiv D.banker, Robert S.Kaplan, S.Mark Young,清华大学出版社2001 [16]

    GAO. “Public Accounting Firms: Required Study on the Potential Effects of Mandatory Audit Firm Rotation”,这是我写论文的时候参考的,后面有中文翻译,不过是官方

    What is an accounting accounting is a business language, it must be reflected by the... accounting rules and regulations, is not a qualified accountant; just press the

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    China's top banking regulator on Friday warned of growing risks to the country's financial system as a result of an unprecedented expansion in new loans and urged the

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    accounting information reflects financial situation of enterprises, management performance, cash flow and fulfillment of fiduciary responsibility. it is not only the language of

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    会计论文自己到网站上去找的啊 翻译: The accounting elements of accounting object is the basic theory and materialize and is accounting recognition and measurement,

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?    Ministry of Finance had issued in February 15, 2006, enterprise accountant criterion lth goods in stock, stipulated gets up from January 1, 2007 in to be listed scope executes